

All jewelry from MyAntwerpDiamonds.com/European Luxury Trade SRL is made to order and personalized, and therefore not eligible for full refunds as per applicable EU law. These custom-made products are exempt from the 14-day EU regulated cooling-off period.

Nevertheless, MyAntwerpDiamonds.com/European Luxury Trade SRL offers a 14-day cancellation and return policy. To cancel or return your jewelry purchase, email us with your order ID number and a description of the item, and we will guide you through the process. If you return the item within the 14-day period, you will receive a partial refund ranging from 25% to 90% of the total value, depending on the specific product and the manufacturing process. The refund percentage is influenced by the complexity of the manufacturing and the size and types of diamonds and gemstones used in the jewelry. You can inquire about the specific refund percentage for your product before ordering.

All purchases require final approval from MyAntwerpDiamonds.com/European Luxury Trade SRL. If the purchased item(s) are unavailable, we will offer a replacement. If you do not accept the replacement, you will receive a 100% refund within 4 days of your request. In cases of technical or administrative errors in the displayed price and/or features, we reserve the right to refuse the purchase, and you will receive a 100% refund.

We provide a two-year after-sales guarantee and warranty on your jewelry. If you believe your item has a manufacturing defect, you may return it for inspection. If we confirm a manufacturing defect, we will repair or replace the item free of charge.

We do not replace lost diamonds or gemstones that fall from your jewelry. We strongly advise insuring your jewelry immediately after receiving it. You will receive an invoice and valuation with your package, which can be used for insurance purposes.

Email: support@myantwerpdiamonds.com
Address for Returns: European Luxury Trade SRL, Schupstraat 9-11, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium


Some email responses from us may be filtered as spam or blocked altogether. To ensure you receive our emails, please provide your telephone or WhatsApp number for verification.

Please note that diamonds and gemstones are available exclusively through our “Preset Jewelry Collection,” “Create Your Own Jewelry” feature, and Custom Jewelry Manufacturing services. We do not offer loose diamonds or gemstones for sale on this site.

